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SCROLL DOWN FOR A LIST OF SERVICES: Members of BC Food & Beverage, and who are also clients of Reliance Insurance have access to a suite of extended risk management services tailored to food and beverage companies. Contact us to discuss how risk management strategies can help you operate confidently and focus on your business and profitability

Risk Management Services

BC Food & Beverage

Brand Protector

Crisis media training and formalized planning for any kind of media event can help protect your brand and business.

In the event of a loss or newsworthy incident that may shed a bad light on your brand, we have a crisis management liaison professional to help navigate through, mitigate, and help you deliver your responsive message and not the media’s take on the incident. This could prove invaluable in the event of a serious loss to property or life.  Get media crisis training

Building Appraisal

We arrange for a professional appraisal of your building to determine the current replacement cost 2022 to rebuild in the event of a loss.

Failure to insure your building to current replacement cost (2022 rebuild costs) may result in insurance penalties and lower than expected insurance settlements in the event of a claim.  Learn about building appraisals

Cash Flow Protection / Business Interruption Review & Report

Reliance Insurance will recommend an expert forensic insurance accountant to review financials & insurance policy wordings to determine appropriate profit exposure and required insurance limits.

This allows you to determine the appropriate business interruption limit of insurance to ensure that your business suffers no financial loss in the event of a claim.

Cell Phone Use

How to, and how not to, use mobile phones/ devices particularly with respect to driving.

A documented policy plan helps protect the safety of your employees and reduce the exposure to accidents, and the company’s exposure to loss and lawsuits.

Certificate Management

We have a dedicated team to respond immediately to insurance certificate requests from suppliers/ contractors/ banks, etc. and a template to help you file and deal with these requests.

This system allows you to provide required certificates to be reviewed and amended, allowing your customers and suppliers to work with you knowing the liability requirements are in place.

Claims Advocate

Reliance Insurance has a highly experienced, in house claims advocate who works in the interests of our clients, helping them navigate a loss from beginning to end.

We review loss details, policy wordings, advise on how to prepare a proof of loss, holds insurers accountable and engages outside legal counsel when required. This takes the process off our client’s shoulders, allowing them to focus on their business. The claims process can be difficult to navigate, we have our claims advocate working for your interests.

Contractual Liability Reduction

We work to mitigate your liability exposures by transferring risk, and/or negotiating more favourable terms by reviewing your contracts with suppliers and customers. Any time we can transfer risk or obtain certificates of insurance from third parties, we can negotiate on your behalf for potential reduced liability premiums and higher coverage limits.

Contractual Risk

The insurance requirements in contracts can be reviewed by our in-house team to verify insurance policy wordings are in accordance with the contract requirements from customers or suppliers. We can analyze insurance requirements, recommend amendments or recommendations and issue proof to all parties that the insurance conditions are met so business can proceed.  Get Contractual Liability

Cyber Breach Coach

Data breach prevention and recovery training by our cyber breach expert who has worked with both the VPD and RCMP.

Cyber security is an ever-growing concern for companies. This proactive approach can save both time and money to avoid cyber threats. This is the fastest growing area of theft and there are solutions available. Get Cyber coverage

Cyber Insurance

As a BCFB member, Reliance Insurance can provide a discount on your cyber policy.  The priority is in the event of a claim, the insurance company can step in and advise you on how to move forward with dealing with a cyber-attack or an extortion negotiation. This is “protection beyond insurance”™. The main objective is to get you back in business as soon as possible without worrying over how to handle cyber-attacks and ransom payments. The insurer is your expert and works with your IT team to mitigate further loss and close down the cyber threat.  Get Cyber coverage

Data Security for Mobile Devices

How to, and how not to, manage mobile device exposures within a company. Allows you control over your proprietary business information and protects your company from theft of business practices and customer information.

Disaster Recovery Planning

Design and preparation of a workable disaster recovery program. Allows you to be ready and implementing industry best practices in the event of a major loss to your business.

Employers Policy & Practices

We strongly recommend a best practices employee handbook, to address risk exposures. A handbook with documented practices and procedures allows you to represent yourself and be trial ready should the company be held liable for an employee’s actions. This can save considerable time and money and may lead to reduced liability premiums.

Entertainment Risk:  Alcohol & Cannabis Practices

Guidelines on how to mitigate and protect against liquor and cannabis liability exposures at the workplace and at business events. A written corporate plan and guidelines protects the company from liability lawsuits brought on by incidents where employees may be held liable for substance related incidents, whether it be company parties or outside functions.

Electronic Disposal Security

Training and support to have the memory system cleaned from any photocopiers and other office equipment that transmits or stores data.

This will mitigate the threat of extortion from criminals who may get a hold of old or discarded equipment. A certificate will be produced by the company that cleans/ erases the data from the equipment.

Equipment Appraisal

Professional appraisal of your equipment to determine the current replacement cost (brand new 2022 models). A replacement cost appraisal will help alleviate any settlement shortfalls.

Failure to insure for the true current replacement cost can result in co-insurance penalties in the event of a loss; and can leave policy holders in a position where they cannot afford to replace equipment due to insufficient insurance settlement.

Fleet Management

Defensive driving training for executives and/or delivery and long-haul drivers. Manage employee-owned vehicles that are used in the course of business. Driver training specific to company vehicles promotes company safety and reduces automobile insurance expenses. Implementing systems to track and monitor non-owned vehicle usage mitigates company liability. Get Non-Owned Auto coverage

Innovation Claims Process or SR&ED Claims

Documented and individualized procedures on how to claim tax credits from the CRA for product or service innovation. Assistance with applying for research and development tax credits from the government (SHRED).

Insurance Program Gap Analysis

Insurance policy gap analysis by members of the Reliance Insurance team to insure there are no gaps or holes in your insurance plan. You don’t want to be under-insured or over insured.

Protects from restrictions, exclusions or missing coverage for which the policyholder may not be aware. This protects clients from losing money or spending money that they weren’t prepared for.

IT Backup

Outside of quake and flood zones.

We recommend IT back-up systems stored outside of earthquake and flood zones. Protects your IT systems and information in the event of a catastrophe event.

Jurisdictional Defense

We have global insurance risk management partners to support clients in their global operations. There are several jurisdictions in the world that require specialized legal and insurance requirements. Reliance’s partnerships with several international brokers and insurers allows us to respond to your insurance concerns worldwide though Reliance. We are a Member of Wing Insurance Network.

Loss Control Review & Report

Review of your premises and operations by a risk control professional to determine areas of risk and potential loss. A written report outlines the measures to reduce incidents and losses and steps required to mitigate the risk.

This could augment profit and certainly make your business more attractive to insurance companies, thus reducing your premiums over time.

QA/QC Process

Procedures and templates to develop a QA/QC program. Documenting a QA/QC process provides several benefits for your business operations, quality, safety of your employees, and reduced insurance premiums.

Proactively Monitoring Legislative Changes

Our compliance and government regulation team look to pro-actively communicate legislative changes. We keep our clients up to speed with legislative and regulatory amendments, so they can take advantage of these changes remain in compliance.

Safety Program / OSSE Certification

Audit and development of safety program. We also collaborate with the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC, who help companies improve health and safety, reduce injury rates, and insurance premiums. This can result in up to 15% savings in Workers Compensation premiums.

Social Media Policy

How to, and how not to, manage social media exposures within a company. Helps to build positive brand reputation and protect your brand from negative exposures.

Succession Planning

We have an in-house succession planning team as well as many contacts in the accounting, banking and private equity space to assist in succession planning. If you are looking at selling or expanding your business, we have a team of in-house and outside professionals at your service.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Ask Us About Risk Reduction

Reliance is genuine about making sure our business is properly protected and puts your interests first, above all else.

— President, Value Drivers


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