Corporate Business Travel
Whether you’re an individual, embassy, or news organization, be prepared with the right coverage and ensure the safety of your employees.
Employee Benefits
Partner with Reliance when implementing health insurance and retirement planning options for your employees.
Key Person Insurance
The loss of key people creates disruptions. Our commercial insurance team can shield you from this situation with solid solutions.
You may need:
Crime Insurance
Commercial crime is on the rise, and evolving technologies means more theft or fraud.
Cyber Security
Protect your digital and financial assets against cyber attacks.
Directors & Officers
As a director or officer, protect yourself from being sued.
Business Interruption Insurance
Prevent loss of income if your premises are damaged.
Reliance Insurance will partner with you to gain a full understanding of your business before laying out all your options related to Group Benefits.
We are delighted with your value-added approach, forward-thinking, timely responses, and in-depth research into our needs now, and as we grow. We feel very confident in Reliance’s knowledge.
— Controller, Kryton Group of Companies
April 12, 2024
Shielding Small Businesses:
Why Directors and Officers Insurance is Essential
There are many good reasons to incorporate a business: better access to financing, ease of transferring or selling shares, lower tax rates, and increased credibility. […]
February 26, 2024
Breaking down the complexities of a co-insurance clause for commercial property owners
Co-insurance is a crucial concept frequently encountered in property insurance policies. It is essential for property owners in Canada to grasp the implications of commercial […]
February 6, 2024
The Walking Negligent: Liability insurance for businesses in an era of distracted pedestrians
In an era where distracted walkers are increasingly common, businesses must ponder the impact on their liability insurance. The question arises: who is responsible if […]